Watch The GroupTrack Demo

Complimentary Support & Training

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Add Contacts From Anywhere

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Post Management

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The GroupTrack System

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Support Team

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Social CRM

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Install &

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Fill Pipelines &

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Start Conversation, Convert Into Clients

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The GroupTrack Strategy

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Try GroupTrack for Free
Only Pay If You Love It.

"If you have any type of business and are on Facebook, you need this app! Fastest way to build a relationship with your ideal client!" 
Diane S.
"GroupTrack is incredibly intuitive and allows me to streamline my time. I am no longer toggling between platforms." 
Heather M.
"Your clients will love the personal touch when you remember little things about them to follow up with. And you don't even have to leave FB to do it! Mind blowing" 
Robin L.
"Just everything you need to keep track of all my customers and prospects in one spot. They're continually making it better!!" 
Sonya F.

Frequently Asked Questions

Account FAQs

How do I manage my account?
After you get signed up, you can access your billing account via our web app's Billing & Upgrades page by clicking "Manage Plan", or editing individual Platform Subscriptions. This will bring you to your self-service billing portal where you can make changes to your plan or payment information.
Is there a free plan or trial?
We currently offer a 12-day free trial on all plans. If you cancel within the trial period you will not be charged at all for your subscription.

Security FAQs

Is my data secure?
Yes. Your data is encrypted both in transit and at rest on GroupTrack CRM's servers. Only you and team members you specify are able to access data about your CRM contacts.
Does this violate other websites' terms of service?
No. GroupTrack CRM integrates with other systems in accordance with their terms of service. Specifically, through our verified status as a Tech Provider with Facebook™, you are entitled to share data with us that you have permission to access. We do not scrape data or otherwise obtain data without your manual initiation and on a per-Contact or per-Group basis. Please see our Compliance & Security page for further details.

Billing FAQs

How do you handle cancellations?
Per our terms, if you cancel your account will remain active through the end of the currently paid period, at which point it will not renew.
What if my credit card expires?
Your account will become "past due" and you will receive email reminders alerting you to this status and asking you to update your payment method on file. Our system will attempt to charge you 4 times, at which point your account will become "unpaid". If you resolve your payment issue before the 4th try, your account will go back to an active state. If you become "unpaid", you will need to contact support to get reactivated.

Support FAQs

Where can I find support for GroupTrack?
We offer free Live support in our Facebook Group on a weekly basis in addition to other content and Units there. You will also receive a link to a free training course after signing up.
Where can I find GroupTrack help articles?
I have a Feature Request or Suggestion.
We love user feedback, which directly affects our roadmap and feature planning. If you would like to see a feature added to GroupTrack, please submit it here!

Ready To Scale Your Business Fast On Social?

What are you waiting for?
Get GroupTrack's Free Trial TODAY!


GroupTrack CRM has no affiliation with any social networking websites, including Facebook™. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. No official endorsements or sponsorships of or the GroupTrack Chrome Extension are expressed or implied. The content of the Chrome Extension is not provided or reviewed by any social networking website provider.